As someone who has worn the uniform and served under commanders and
NCO's who were around during Vietnam, I have a special sensitivity to those who would slander our men and women fighting for our nation in a time of war. I learned from them the damage that was inflicted on our nation by the mean spirited anti-war left over three decades ago.
It had seemed during the first Gulf-War and the first few years of this war that protesting the war was "okay" but attacking the troops and
impugning their character was unacceptable.
Poll after
poll after
poll indicates that the military is the among the most trusted institutions in this nation. "I support the troops, but I oppose their mission" became the anti-
war's mantra.
But now, with Democrat leaders
John Murtha,
Dick Durbin, and
Charles Schumer acting as trailblazers, the anti-war movement now has brought back 70's style hippie tactics that many of us cannot bear to witness.
This morning,
MoveOn.Org took war protesting to a new low by running the following ad in the New York Times:
You can read the full size ad here.
For several years now, we have heard the crowd cry about my party
"questioning their patriotism" simply because we pointed out that their position of immediate
withdrawal simply amounts to nothing more than surrendering Iraq to the terrorists.
The truth is that their judgement and logic was questioned and their only defense was to claim that we were attacking their "patriotism" and that "dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
These extremists no longer have the right to be offended if their patriotism were actually questioned. They
alleviated all doubt this morning about their true loyalties., and
their sugar daddy George
Soros, want America to lose the war, and any American who wants our troops to succeed in Iraq should know that.
I would hate to think that any elected Democrat would dare associate with this trash ever again.
(But we know they will by the time the leaves are off the trees.)