Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Owning" the issue, no matter how much it hurts

"I was for Wild, Wonderful All Along, Right Hill-err Gayle!"

From Today's Charleston Daily Mail:

Manchin added his two cents worth to a statewide telephone and online poll that seeks to determine whether the state should adopt a permanent greeting. If that's what state residents want, the governor said, he favors going back to an old phrase first adopted in 1975: "Wild Wonderful West Virginia."

"He's always been a supporter of that phrase and thinks if we're going to have a permanent slogan that should be it,'' Manchin spokeswoman Lara Ramsburg said Monday.

Hmm.. If that's the case,

then why was this petition necessary?!

Instead of trying to "Clinton" this controversy away, perhaps Joe Manchin should present WVU Student D. Logan Wheatcraft some sort of token of appreciation on behalf of all West Virginians. Leading the fight to get rid of those stupid signs definitely counts as a good deed.

I am not sure if Joe would have ever taken down his stupid signs if this certain college student hadn't decided to exercise his right to petition his government. He was certainly much more effective than any elected official or editorial writer in getting our collective points across.

Maybe we can learn a lesson in all of this: Joe Manchin is not infallible after all.

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