Monday, September 10, 2007

State of the state - Chamber waiving the white flag

Governor Manchin's popularity is forcing the Chamber's leaders and supposedly pro-business Democrats to take a back seat on much needed reforms to protect his left flank from any future challengers in the Democrat Primary.

Not everyone is content to remain silent.

Today, Senator Vic Sprouse writes about WV Media's Bray Cary's most recent episode of Decision Makers in which Bray says what needs said, and said again and again.

How weak has the State Chamber become under Mojo's quest to end the Democrat business vs. trial lawyer-labor war? A recent Charleston Daily Mail article answers that question.

House Republican leader Tim Armstead made an appearance at the State Chamber's most recent meeting and said what our state's business leaders needed to hear.

From now on remember this important point:
When you hear "conservative" Democrats and Steve Roberts push Dr. Sobel's fine book "Unleashing Capitalism", they are only offering lip-service to the cause. They are unwilling to fight for the election of people who would actually implement its much-needed recommendations.

Is the quest for civil justice reform and tax reform dead in West Virginia?

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