Friday, July 06, 2007

Single digit Congress, anyone?

I am offering the following prediction:
By Election Day 2008, the Democrats will have ousted Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. Right now, they are blazing a trail to see exactly how low approval ratings can go.

This morning, the White House astutely pointed out that Queen Nancy and Prince Harry have spent this entire year trying to sully a lame duck President rather than focusing on real legislative issues or Iraq.

This is a fight that President Bush should be willing to start. The President is facing approval ratings in the low 30's, while the Democrats are mired in the low 20's, and Harry Reid has even polled into the teens.

Bill Clinton's presidency survived the storm after impeachment by his famous "I am busy trying to do what is right for America" line while impeachment managers were trying to argue legalities about Bubba's perjury.

Red-district Democrats are somewhat hesitant to allow the Reid/Clinton/Kennedy/Pelosi agenda of more taxes, more welfare, and socialized medicine to move forward, and many small state Democrats astutely observe that surrender in Iraq will cost the party dearly, so they are stuck trying to pander to their base by trying to hold hearings that amount to no more than an echo chamber to the Daily Kos or's crackpot theory of the hour. Judging by the polls, these little bones do not satiate this George Soros inspired beast.

Bush is a serious President dealing with serious issues. He can steal back a few of those in the disapproval column if he keeps on calling out the Dems in Congress on their foolishness.

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