Monday, July 02, 2007

Just another Democrat...

Joe Manchin has long been viewed as "Republican lite" dating back to his time in the State Senate and his during his divisive 1996 Primary where Charlotte Pritt upended him by locking up the unions and the liberal wing of the party (which is far bigger than you might think - WV Dems are pro-choice by a margin of 49% to 43% as compared to all adults, which are pro-life by a margin of 53% to 39%)

Before failed one-term Democrat Governor Bob Wise announced that he would not be running for re-election in 2003, there were rumors abound that Joe Manchin would someday switch parties. During his victorious 2004 campaign, Joe apparently downloaded the West Virginia Republican Party Platform, and adopted it as his own issues.

He ran on many Republican issues: pro-life, smaller government, tax reform, civil justice reform, and even workers' compensation reform. The Chambercrat crowd, which had helped Cecil Underwood upend Charlotte Pritt , backed Manchin with a vengeance, even though he was endorsed by virtually there entire left-wing of the Democrat Party.

But as Governor, we have seen a different Joe Manchin than we were promised in the 2004 campaign. Aside from workers' compensation, we have seen him govern from the left, which culminated into control of the House of Delegates by the labor/trial lawyer factions of the Democrat party, with a great assist from Joe Manchin's close allies in the gambling industry.
Manchin has even managed ignore the pro-life movement's important legislative priorities as not to upset Speaker Thompson and House Judiciary Committee Chairwoman Carrie Webster, a militant abortion rights supporter. Even though he doesn't lift a finger fighting for pro-life legislation as Governor, he gladly accepts a seat at the head table of pro-life dinners, and will eagerly seek their endorsement in 2008.

The most glaring example of incumbent Joe versus candidate Joe is on the issue of taxes. Rather than simply reducing or abolishing the unpopular food tax, Governor Manchin has decided to use it to control behavior. The Charleston Daily Mail chimes in on the new 4% sales tax which took effect July 1st.
Shoppers are advised to bring a thermometer to the grocery store. The temperature of the product could change its price.

For example, nuts (including salted nuts) are taxed at the 4 percent rate. But warmed nuts are taxed at 6 percent. The discrimination against peanut shops continues.

Pumpkins are taxed at 4 percent, except for pumpkins that are decorated, which are taxed at 6 percent. The state wants to continue to cash in on the Halloween shopping season.

The taxation of salads is particularly vexing to the state. Salad dressings and mixes are taxed at 4 percent. Salads purchased for resale and repackaged in smaller containers are also safe. Their tax dropped to 4 percent.

Unless they are heated. Or sold with utensils. Or both
With Governor Manchin, we won't receive full-scale tax reform that will bring in better jobs, we will continue to see timid decrementalism that is predicated on conditions concocted by the Governor's planned-economy gurus. He wants public acclaimt for reducing a tax, while at the same time getting credit for solving a problem through the use of incentives.

Essentially, Manchin likes to use Government to control citizens' behavior. He does not just want to enforce the laws, he wants control - over your life and mine. Every reform he passes will have a bureaucrat behind your back wielding a stick - making sure that you are behaving in his prescribed manner or no tax cuts. Did you know that your sales tax on soft drinks just went up?
It's all part of Governor Joe's War on Obesity.

Listen to two hours of Talkline on WVMetroNews and listen to how many times you hear PSA's with the Governor or one of his cabinet secretaries telling you how to live, and you will see that Joe Manchin is just another liberal who worships at the altar of big government.

1 comment:

Jim said...

The leadership change in the House was not at the Governor's urging. It was in response to 10 years of conservative leadership at the Legislature by Speaker Bob Kiss and Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin.

I'm sure you want to paint Joe Manchin with a broad "liberal" brush, but it won't fit.

It's not like he's some Hollywood, lobbyist, trial lawyer. Hmm, that reminds me of someone...